
The article describes the main causes of emergency and hazardous situations in pipeline networks: corrosion; sudden pressure drops; low-frequency vibrations with large amplitudes, etc. In addition, the article highlights such concepts as: local defects, which are point, linear, bulk; distributed in restricted areas - segregation zones, incomplete quenching zones, corrosive attack zones; distributed over the entire volume of the product or its surface: the general discrepancy between the chemical structure and the quality of processing. Production defects of parts of pipeline elements are considered: hairs, shrinkage porosity and shells and friability, gas porosity, flocs, hacks, quenching cracks, grinding cracks, burns, risks, delamination and sunsets.

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The article provides a description of a simplified event tree for an individual element of a complex technical system operating system. Reflects the main aspects that require detailed analysis in the preparation of such systems. A compilation method based on linear logic is presented.

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This paper describes the installation of continuous vacuum distillation of fuel oil with a capacity of 100 tons per day for raw materials. The advantages of the proposed installation over the existing equipment for vacuum distillation of fuel oil, a description of the installation and its technological characteristics are given. A detailed analysis of its technological equipment is given.

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The paper discusses the principal schemes of interconnections of a complex technical system, as the basis for the study of its technical condition, as well as structural representations of the interaction of elements system and connection of input events with output signs, that is, the establishment of causal relationships with occurrence of failure or emergency situations. Proposed schematic diagrams of interrelationships of complex technical systems, as the basis for the study of its technical condition, applied in compressor conditions stations, allow to diagnose malfunctions of gas pumping equipment. To apply the proposed schemes need to study the state of a complex system and the division into subsystems (complexes, units) and elements (nodes and parts). Since gas pumping equipment is a complex technical system from correct operation, which depends on the performance of a single compressor station.

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The article presents the methods for analyzing vibrations of pumping units under operating conditions and the implementation of the algorithm for diagnosing a power plant using vibration parameters, as well as the best conditions for implementing diagnostic programs. The method of determining trends is highlighted, with the help of which the quality indicators are predicted, which gives information about the degree of suitability of the object of diagnosis in accordance with the technical documentation. The algorithm of element-by-element diagnostics of a gas pumping unit, which allows determining the sequence of tasks for identifying a specific defect or malfunction, is considered.

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